WIN Compilation September 2017

In Germany we get to enjoy the last days of summer (or what was meant to be summer). To celebrate this, we put together the 53 best clips of the last weeks for this month’s edition, resulting in 9:50 minutes of shining awesomeness. In because of some of you arguing, when we decide to skip friday the firsts to post on mondays, we deliver early in the morning (for some of you it even could still be Augsut, yikes! But we in Germany already enjoy September 🙂 ).

Enjoy & share!

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Originals can be found here:

01. Blue Angels Sneak Pass Reaction Chicago 2017 (Sunday) (via)
02. Dancer drawn on paper – Experiment with multi perspective animation (via)
03. Most ropes skipped – Guinness World Records (via)
04. Kaleidoscopic Dominoes (via)
05. Vier Gewinnt – Basketball Edition (via)
06. Surprise Twist During Cat Rescue (via)
07. VR Zone Shinjuku 玩 Mario Kart VR
08. Efter tre års letande blev det äntligen napp för Hans Nilsson i Eda. (via)
09. Rescuing a Cute Koala (via)
10. BUG PUPPET (via)
11. Sziget 2017 Secret Rave In Toilet (via)
12. F-35B Phase 2 ramp trials continue
13. Ghost Dog? RIP Kosmo. (via)
14. Life Hack – Helping Your Baby Learn to Walk Without Hurting Your Back {long version} (via)
15. Dominoes and Fire (via)
16. Game Of Thrones Theme Gayageum ver. by Luna/ Korean Festival of Maryland (via)
17. The eclipse as a satellite saw it (via)
18. Transit of Space Station During the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse (via)
19. Aluminum and Mercury
20. AMEOW-ZING 50 Box Cat Maze! (via)
22. How to Make Hydraulic Powered Claw Machine from Cardboard (via)
23. 1000 ROCKETS Launched off a BIKE (via)
24. カワウソのお腹に絵が描けるか検証してみた Draw a picture on the otter’s stomach (via)
25. Personal Record Log Splitting (via)
26. 20,000 GLOW IN THE DARK DOMINOES! (via)
27. Massive robot dance – Guinness World Records (via)
28. 100% Vittorio Brumotti – Grand Canyon USA (via)
29. A Drill-Powered Hand-Drawn Animation by Federico Tobon aka wolfCatWorkshop (via)
30. Bamboo Skates Highway 101 (via)
31. Best triple save ever? Alex Cairns v Northampton Town (via)
32. Cat Purrfectly Represents Monday Morning (via)
33. Every road you take. (via)
34. Graham blown with leaf blower first time (via)
35. How to Turn Words Sloth into a Cartoon #31 (via)
36. Japanese toilet paper holder. (via)
37. Jumping cars with a pogo stick – Guinness World Records (via)
38. Little guy greets all the passengers on a plane with fist bumps (via)
39. Leah J pulls off the chair split from Blood Sport (via)
40. Let’s See Roger Federer Do THIS! 🎾 (via)
41. Little Chameleons (via)
42. Danke fürs Bier halten (via)
43. Pamper Your Hedgehog (via)
44. Real Skifi Summer (via)
45. Ride an inflatable slice of pizza down a 300 foot iceberg, National Geographic (via)
46. Shu Takada – 2A Final – 1st Place – World Yoyo Contest 2017 (via)
47. Workout des Tages (via)
48. Squirrel is life (via)
49. Szymon Godziek backflips the Tour de Pologne peloton on a road bike (via)
50. Vaping by a Freeway (via)
51. Who wants to join the pool party? 😎🦄🏝
52. Wooden domino row building machine (via)
53. Swedish Royal Guards perform “Hooked on a Feeling” (Ooga-Chaka song) (via)

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